Please note that in order to access and download our premium reports, you will have to register.

You may download two different reports: –

Country/Industry Report

This is an enhanced Country Report that includes: –

KnowYourCountry Country Profile

The KnowYourCountry Country profile is the enhanced report available in the membership area. It covers the major factors relating to cross border rick on a country-by-country basis.

KnowYourCountry Product/Industry Sector risk profile (optional)

The KnowYourCountry Product/Industry Sector risk profile is the generic overview of industry risk that is available in our Membership area.

Theseus Report

What is a Theseus Report?

Theseus reports are due diligence reports that are designed to help you assess the money laundering/terrorist financing risks posed by customers or third parties, their associated jurisdictions and product/industry sectors at the onboarding and review stages. The Report is an amalgamation of three different reports: –

RDC Grid Report

Grid is a risk database of adverse media, sanctions, watchlists and PEPs. It’s the most comprehensive database of its kind. Risk information is curated into detailed profiles, by individual or organization, so you can see all associated risk-relevant data in structured detailed reports.

Grid helps you screen more effectively. Its combination of comprehensive data and categorization means you can filter content by risk type, risk stage and risk age, based on relevance and your own risk profiles, resulting in more precision, fewer false positive results and more efficiency.

Grid has around 13 million risk profiles. A risk profile can be about a person, or an organization, and it’s a collation of risk-relevant information relating to that entity.

Grid takes information from over 120,000 sources, covers 240 countries and territories and over 3 billion articles from the last 10 years.

View RDC Grid brochure for further information

KnowYourCountry Country Profile

The KnowYourCountry Country profile is the enhanced report available in the membership area. It covers the major factors relating to cross border rick on a country-by-country basis.

KnowYourCountry Product/Industry Sector risk profile

The KnowYourCountry Product/Industry Sector risk profile is the generic overview of industry risk that is available in our Membership area.

How do I create a Theseus Report? 

To create a Theseus Report, please follow this process: –

[Step by step process]

I’m a Member, why do I have to pay for a Theseus Report?

KnowYourCountry has to pay a cost for each RDC report downloaded and, therefore, we have to charge for every Theseus report downloaded to cover our costs. Please note, there is no charge to our Members for the country or industry reports.

I was expecting to see more information in the RDC Report for my individual/entity.

Please check that the data you have input for the RDC Grid search is correct as even small errors in spelling, etc. can mean the difference between a full detailed report and a ‘no match’ report.

However, sometimes you will be aware of information relating to a customer that does not show in an RDC Grid report. This may be because the information relates primarily which would not feature in the search as the data searches will be specific to the named subject of the search.

Please also note that the RDC Grid search tool focuses on PEP and Sanction screening together with adverse media. It is not a news aggregator.